comScore Media Metrix for November 2010: Groupon on the Rise

The comScore Media Metrix report for November is out with the rank of the top 50 web properties. The report includes important information related to web traffic and the holiday season. Here’s some highlights with the full report embedded below

1. Coupon sites are the top growing category. Tempering doubt regarding the wisdom of the recent cold shoulder Groupon gave $GOOG or big private investments in the space, traffic growth of online coupon sites into the holiday season is on fire.

The numbers here and commentary remind me to some extent of the first few holiday shopping seasons after the launch of the first internet retailers such as $AMZN. Analysts are just beginning to wrap their hands around the implications of the annual cyclical patterns here.

2. Speaking of traditional internet based retail, growth remains robust relative to retail in general a full 15 years after Bezos launched $AMZN which remains by far the largest shopping destination, while $BBY actually had the highest growth rate albeit small consolation to their recent punk earnings report.

3. $YHOO ranked as the number 1 site overall. They and $GOOG have been running neck and neck for months with $MSFT sites not far behind.

ComScore Media Metrix Ranks Top 50 U.S. Web Properties for November 2010

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